Cell: 214-418-7910 Email: info@zartmanstudios.com
Cell: 214-418-7910 Email: info@zartmanstudios.com
I can film events for schools, businesses, churches, families, musical groups, etc. I can also create "Website Videos", "Promotional Videos/Slideshows", in addition to preserving family history by recording video footage of grandparent's, parent's, etc. stories (oral history) for future generations.
I'm also able to edit, fix or enhance any video, including GoPro and Drone footage.
I specialize in creating a permanent and memorable heartfelt musical slideshow for any special event(s) in your life from your precious photos, digital pictures, slides and/or short video clips.
Examples include: Wedding Pictures, Wedding Rehearsal Dinner, Bridal Showers, Bachelor/Bachelorette Parties, Wedding Receptions, Wedding Party Photos, Honeymoon Trips, Anniversaries, Quinceaneras, Bar/Bat Mitzvahs, New Baby Arrivals, Vacations, Birthdays, Graduations, Child Through The Years, Holiday Celebrations, Religious Events, Sporting Events, Family Reunions, Tributes/Memorials, Retirements, etc.
The following video tapes can be transferred to a Flash Drive/Hard Drive/DVD/Blu-ray DVD:
These tapes will begin to deteriorate, warp and fade out as time passes on. I delete unused spaces in the film and remove wavy lines at the bottom, top, and sides of the video during the editing process. I then convert and preserve these precious memories to a digital masterpiece.
The following reel to reel film can be transferred to a Flash Drive, Hard Drive, DVD, or a Blu-ray DVD.
The footage stored on these are often priceless or have special moments in life that may otherwise have been forgotten. I can delete unused spaces in the film and remove wavy lines at the bottom, top, and sides of the film during the editing process.
The 'reel to reel' audio tape will be converted to your preferred format (.wav, .mp3, etc.) and transferred to either a Flash Drive, Hard Drive, DVD, or a CD.
I can modernize your 'reel to reel' audio tapes, so you will be able to listen to them on a wide range of devices, including your computer, mobile devices or a CD player.
I can convert your irreplaceable old vinyl records (LPs & '45' singles) to digital format and transfer them to a Flash Drive, Hard Drive, DVD, or a CD.
I can transfer those vinyl records that are not available on any 'music streaming service' or not on a commercial CD. This service is also for individuals that no have longer have a 'record player' or their 'record player' is broken and has never been replaced.
I can convert your irreplaceable old audio cassette tapes to digital format and transfer them to a Flash Drive, Hard Drive, DVD or a CD.
I am able to transfer audio cassettes tapes that are not available on a 'music streaming service' or not on a commercial CD. In addition, I can transfer your audio cassette tapes that you have recorded "live concerts", special programs or documentaries from the radio. Also, audio (voices) from grandparents, parents and other family members can be preserved for future generations.
I can scan your old photos, birthday cards, etc. to a digital format and transfer them to a Flash Drive, Hard Drive, DVD or a CD.
Each individual photo will be scanned, framed, 'touched up' and converted to your preferred format (.jpg, .png, etc).
Preserve your old photos before dust, air, smoke, and chemicals settle on the surface of a photo's image and cause the photo to break down and fade.
I can scan your old slides to a digital format and transfer them to a Flash Drive, Hard Drive, DVD or a CD.
Each individual slide will be scanned, framed, 'touched up' and converted to your preferred format (.jpg, .png, etc).
Preserve your old slides before improper storage, handling, excess light, heat, and moisture affect the dye color layers in the slides.
I can scan your old 35mm film negatives to a digital format and transfer them to a Flash Drive, Hard Drive, DVD or a CD.
Each 35mm film negatives strip will be scanned, framed, 'touched up' and converted to your preferred format (.jpg, .png, etc).
Preserve your old 35mm film negatives before mold, dirt, sunlight , and oils slowly break down the images, making them basically worthless in around a half century.
I can transfer: